Examining the Infection 🩻 Limited Time Event #2 Highlights
It’s time for a check-up, beans! 🩺 Our second Limited Time Infection Event has come to an end as of May 7, 2024 — so naturally, we thought it’d be a key time for a quick check-up!
Alongside the limited time Infection Mode introduced with this Limited Time Event, we also sprinkled a new map into the mix: the Mess Hall.
We’re proud to say that the Mess Hall was a burning success 🔥 and was easily the most popular map throughout the duration of the Infection Event. In fact, Infection Mode alone was played almost three times more times than matches on the Skeld II! Wild! 🤯
🎉 And as an added bonus, we’re keeping the Mess Hall around — but only for a bit longer. So be sure to cook up some Crewmate chaos and don’t burn your chicky nuggies before it goes away for good. 🐥
In the epic battle of Zomburrito versus Chefs, we’re seeing some interesting data from our beans… 🧮
On one hand, the 🌯 Zomburrito cosmetic was worn almost 2.5 times more often than the 🧑🍳 My Name Chef toque (both hats were included in the Limited Time Hats: Mess Hall DLC pack), clearly showcasing the favorable preference for that flavor profile. 🧂 Meanwhile, on our official Among Us VR Discord server, we asked our beans to choose between the Chef or Zomburrito. Chefs triumphed over the Zomburritos by doubling their numbers! So… what’s going on here, beans?!
We’re glad to see that the fun and excitement of our Infection Event spread like the Zomburritos and your comments and feedback continue to fill the plates of our hearts. 💗 But for now, we clean up the mess made by these deliciously deadly Zomburritos and prepare for our next event… coming joon — sorry, sune! Wait… that was dum of me.
Limited Time Event #3: Coming Soon! 😅
Stay suspicious!