Ejecting and Reflecting on 2024 🎉
New year, new beans, blah blah blah. We’ve heard all the New Year’s Resolution stuff before — and we’ll get to announcing our goals and plans for 2025 soon™️. For now, though, we wanted to reflect back on the chaotic charm of last year. 🎊
⌛ A Year of Limited Time Events 📆

2024 introduced Limited Time Events into the Among Us VR pipeline, and we’re proud to have hosted six unique events throughout the past twelve months. From deception in the dark with 💡 Lights Out ⚡ to wrangling up Impostors as the Deputy in our latest (and currently still running!) 🤠 Round Up 🏜️, we’ve shaken up the Among Us VR experience to keep things exciting and fresh — and continue to do so in the future!
💗 We Know About Popular ✨

It wouldn’t be a Recap blog without diving into our favorite metrics! 🤓 Here’s a handful of highlights:
- The most popular bean color, as always, was Red. ❤️ Surprising no one.
However, second place fluctuated throughout the year between 💙 Blue and Grey 🖤. - 🤎 Brown continues to remain as the least used bean color. #JusticeForBrown 😭
- Impostors killed ☠️ over 6 MILLION Crewmates ☠️ over the course of the year, with 6.5% of those beans surviving less than 30 seconds. ⏱️
- Most matches experience either 1 – 2 or 7 -8 kills. ⚖️ The least common kill count during a match is four.

Isn’t it wild to think that this time last year, Gloves and Skins weren’t available in your Wardrobe? Cosmetic options to fully express and customize your Beansona have grown significantly since last year, and we’re always excited to see which looks are your favorites.
🎩 Hats 👒
- Of course, the most popular hat for beans continues to be the Fedorable.
- Lights Out mode introduced the first fully animated hat, Overscoped, in February 2024. This hat ranked in at the second most popular Limited Time Event exclusive hat of the year.
- So, which event-exclusive hat was the most popular? The Vigilante Hood beat, slammed, and served over the competition as the most popular Limited Time Event focused headpiece.
- On the opposite side of popularity, the Powdered Person vampire wig from the Limited Time Pack: Trick Picks was the least popular hat of the Wardrobe. Whomp whomp.
🧤 Gloves 🥊
- Gloves debuted in June 2024 as part of the Limited Time Pack: DUM Duo and Glove Pack: Catch Deez Hands sets.
- The Git Gud Gloves quickly rose to the top of hand cosmetics and has stayed there since. It’s noteworthy to clarify that the d-pad and buttons don’t actually allow the input of codes or cheats… but that would be pretty sick.
- Lowest on the list, again from the Limited Time Pack: Trick Picks, sits the Undead Ends vampire gloves. We’re honestly surprised at how much you beans seem to not like vampires. They don’t even sparkle! Come on!
👔 Skins 🥼
- Newest to the roster of Wardrobe features, Skins made their entrance just last month in December!
- The I’ll Fix It coveralls from the Skin Pack: Dressed to Kill set came in as the least popular outfit, but we expect to see your favorites shift and shuffle as more options become available.
- Currently, the Howdy Duty Deputy Skin — from the Limited Time Pack: Round Up set — reigns as couture champion.

🐴 Giddying Up for 2025 🎉
Now that we’ve ejected 2024 and charged into 2025… the possibilities are endless.
In the meantime, you can yeehaw as the Deputy and wrangle up some trouble while our Limited Time Event: Round Up continues until January 28, 2025.
Do you want to help shape the future of Limited Time Events? 🔮 We were hoping you would! Dive in and share your votes, impressions, and feedback in our quick survey here!
Stay suspicious~!